In this blog we'll understand and learn about types of Switching. Switching is the process to forward packets coming in from one port to a port leading towards the destination.
When data comes on a port it is called ingress, and when data leaves a port or goes out it is called egress. A communication system may include number of switches and nodes.
In this post you'll address the difference b/w Circuit switching and Packet switching.
Let's understand what is the basic difference b/w both the switching techniques
Public Telephone Network is a good example of circuit switching. Suppose you want to transfer a message from T1/T2 to T3/T4 (you can choose one-to-one connection too ,i.e., T2 to T4), now what happens in a circuit switch is that, at first it finds a path between the
sender and the receiver (see figure 2) and once the path is established, it remains active until the connection is terminated.
Whereas in the case of packet switching, let's assume a graph as a path between both the sender and the receiver. The data is firstly divided/split into packets, which are then sent through different paths of the network towards the receiver.
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Once again great blog